Management reports from MBA can be segregated by sales people allowing you to measure the performance of each representative. Traditional management has been in the form of recognition with the achievement of certain measure of it can be in the form of counseling for lack of performance. MBA provides you another form of managment: encouragement. Results speak for themselves. If the public desires a certain product or service that your sales rep is apprehensive about, you may coach the sales rep by demonstrating the demand using the data from the surveys. Employee turnover has much risk which can be avoided.

Professional athletes and top univsersity graduates get paid millions because they proved their achievement. You are no different. MBA helps you share your performance with all constituents:

  • Clients
  • Prospects
  • Internally
  • Suppliers
  • Partners

Portions of your reports can be freely shared without releasing sensitive information about individual clients. Let your performance speak for itself and earn you the business.

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We need more units with options!!!

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